Victoria Police Corporate Plan 2023-2024

31 Aug 2023

Message from the Chief Commissioner

I am pleased to introduce the 2023–2024 Victoria Police Corporate Plan, our first under the Keeping You Safe Strategy.

The Corporate Plan outlines the key initiatives Victoria Police will undertake in the year ahead across our priority areas of:

  • policing
  • people
  • partnerships.

We appreciate that the significant social, economic and technological changes the world is experiencing impact Victoria and policing. It is vital that Victoria Police works closely with communities and partner agencies to address the key community safety concerns that these changes create.

The Corporate Plan also outlines our commitment to improve the outcomes for specific communities.

In 2023–24, Victoria Police will work with Aboriginal people to support self-determination and reduce the overrepresentation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system.

We will also focus on expanding initiatives to keep young people out of the criminal justice system wherever possible, while still holding offenders to account.

More broadly, the sustainability of our communities is core business for Victoria Police.

In 2023–24, we will develop a framework to strengthen the environmental, social and governance factors that make a tangible contribution to the long-term liveability of Victoria.

We will continue to transform Victoria Police in 2023–24.

We will deploy an additional 502 police officers and additional 50 protective services officers, build and upgrade police stations across metropolitan and regional areas, and modernise key systems and processes.

Through the CultureWorks program, we will embed connection and collaboration, using sound judgement, and creation and innovation as fundamental elements of our workplace culture. In addition to allowing us to maintain community trust and confidence, CultureWorks will foster a safe and inclusive environment where every employee is proud to work for Victoria Police and to serve the community.

I am confident this 2023–24 Corporate Plan positions Victoria Police to respond effectively and ethically to the challenges and opportunities before us to keep Victoria and Victorians safe. I look forward to sharing our results throughout the year.

Decorative photo of Shane Patton, APM Chief Commissioner, Victoria Police. He is smiling and in Victoria Police Dress Uniform.

Shane Patton APM
Chief Commissioner

About this plan

The 2023–2024 Victoria Police Corporate Plan (the Corporate Plan) is aligned to the medium-term planning requirement set out in the Resource Management Framework published by the Department of Treasury and Finance.

The Corporate Plan forms part of an integrated organisational planning framework and maintains focus across the organisation. It is refreshed every year to reflect changes in organisational priorities, government objectives and community safety needs.

The Corporate Plan sits under the new Keeping You Safe: Victoria Police Strategy 2023–2028 (the Keeping You Safe Strategy) and outlines priority initiatives that form part of the road map towards achieving our vision for a safer Victoria.
