Public notice: Melbourne from 6 - 15 September 2024

The Supreme Court of Victoria has authorised the use of special police powers (special powers) under section 21B of the Terrorism (Community Protection) Act 2003 (the Act) to protect persons attending the 2024 Land Forces International Land Defence Exposition from a terrorist act. 

This includes exhibitors and attendees to the Exposition and also includes protestors, counter protestors and the public.

The public place area depicted on the map has been declared in writing to be a “designated area” by an Assistant Commissioner of Police under s.10D or s.10E of the Control of Weapons Act 1990 (the Act).

The special powers may be exercised in the designated area between 12.00pm Friday 6 September and 11.59pm Sunday 15 September 2024.

Map of designated area

  • Download' Map of designated area'

The target area, around the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, is contained within the following boundaries:

  • Northern side of Flinders Street and Wurundjeri Way
  • Western side of Wurundjeri Way and Montague Street
  • Southern side of Normanby Road
  • Eastern side of Kings Way.

Use of special powers

Within a designated area, police officers are empowered to search a person, anything in the possession or control of the person, or a vehicle, for weapons.

If a police officer intends to conduct a limited search of you or your vehicle/things:

  • you are requested to co-operate with that search.
  • you may be requested to remove items of outer clothing such as headwear, scarves, jackets, etc
  • you may be searched using an electronic wand
  • you may be requested to remove items from any bags or pockets
  • you may be given a “pat down” search.

A police officer, protective services officer or person assisting those officers and acting under their direction and control may use such force as is reasonably necessary to exercise a special police power. 

There are offences against the Terrorism (Community Protection) Act 2003 for not complying with a direction and hindering or obstructing the exercise of a special power.

Attention – Offence

It is an offence under the Act to:

  • obstruct or hinder a police officer or protective services officer in the exercise of a power to stop and search a person.
  • fail to comply with a direction given by a police officer to remove a face covering or to leave the designated area.
