Recruitment process – disclosure

What you need to disclose in your application to become a police officer.

Transcript: Recruitment process – disclosure

Applying for Victoria Police? Good on you!

Now listen up: You will need to prepare to pass.

You'll be required to disclose details of instances of where you have come under the notice of police.

Can't remember your driving offense history? Ask VicRoads for a report.

You'll also need to disclose your medical history, as well as any family or friends who you suspect or know have been involved in any sort of criminal activity.

Remember: Full disclosure reflects your integrity.

Got a speeding fine years ago? You will need to disclose.

Injured playing sport years ago? disclose.

Integrity is a core value of Victoria Police, so failure to disclose information may result in the cancellation of your application.

If you're unsure, visit our Prior History Guidelines and Medical guidelines pages to see what type of offences or medical conditions can prevent you from becoming a police officer.

When in doubt, disclose.

For more information on disclosures or the recruitment process, visit police officer careers, call us on 03 8335 5003 or email us at
