Prepare your application and apply for a role as a police officer, understand the recruitment process and exam, and get to know what life looks like on the job.
Four steps to start your career as a police officer
1. Check your eligibility and suitability
Check you've got what it takes to become a police officer with this interactive quiz.
2. Meet our entry requirements
Get to know the entry requirements all police officer applicants must meet before applying.
3. Understand our recruitment process
What to expect in our recruitment process, including tests, interviews, and the entrance exam.
4. Apply to be a police officer
What to have ready, traits we look for, and how to start your application with us.
Everything you need to know

Join our team
Boost your application's chance of success, what to do if you have previous policing experience, and how to apply to be a police officer.
Police officer training and fitness
Explore life and training at the Victoria Police Academy and get police fit with our free POLICE FIT app.
Life as a police officer
What your day-to-day might look like as a police officer, the benefits, and your future career options.
Career information sessions

Find an information session
Check out one of our online or in-person information sessions and learn everything you want to know about career progression and possibilities, salary and benefits, what life will look like, and more.
Further guidelines for applicants
Pre-employment guidelines and screening
Learn all about the prior history guidelines and medical guidelines for applicants.
Traineeships, study, and VCE pathways
School leaver, traineeship, and VCE information
Victoria Police career, work experience, and paid work opportunities for students and young Victorians.
Already started your application?
Log in to our careers portal
Continue your police officer application by logging in to our careers portal.