Find a Victoria Police career information session

Attend a free information session and learn about the career paths and recruitment processes with Victoria Police.

Careers sessions - A guide to country policing

A careers information session highlighting the benefits and opportunities that come with country policing.

Join us online Monday 14 April, at 6pm.

Victoria Police host free online and in-person career information sessions. Learn about the role, salary and benefits, the recruitment process, and your career progression.

Our information sessions are suitable for those interested in applying for the roles of police officer, protective services officer (PSO), or police custody officer (PCO).

Metropolitan Melbourne career information sessions

Country policing online career information sessions

Online career information sessions

Thinking about applying to be a police officer?

For the best chance of success, follow these steps:

  1. Check your eligibility and suitability.
  2. Meet our entry requirements.
  3. Understand our recruitment process.
  4. Apply online to be a police officer.

Already started your application?
