Recruitment process for police officers

The recruitment process to become a police officer with Victoria Police.

There is no one key attribute, skill or experience that we look for in police officer candidates. Instead, it’s your overall suitability for the role that will improve your chances.

If you have successfully completed our eligibility quiz, and understand our entry requirements, take the next step on your journey to becoming a police officer and learn more about our recruitment process.

The police officer recruitment process

We don’t look for a single key trait, skill, or experience in police officer candidates. Instead, your overall suitability for the role determines your chances.
On average, the recruitment process takes six months to complete. It will assess key competencies covering:
  • intellect
  • psychological make-up
  • general fitness
  • work history
  • community involvement
  • medical history, and,
  • prior offence history.

Stages of the recruitment process

If you're successful in the recruitment process

Learn what to expect at the Victoria Police Academy on our Victoria Police Academy and police training page.

If you're unsuccessful in the recruitment process

We assess applications against several criteria. If your application is unsuccessful, you can request a review.

To request a review, please email

There are three areas we can review under the Victoria Police Recruitment Policy.

How many applications you can submit

You can submit an application for a police officer position three times.

If you withdraw your application, it is not counted as one of your three attempts.

Thinking about applying to be a police officer?

For the best chance of success, follow these steps:

  1. Check your eligibility and suitability.
  2. Meet our entry requirements.
  3. Understand our recruitment process.
  4. Apply online to be a police officer.

Already started your application?
