Explore the following Victoria Police programs and initiatives aimed at keeping our community safe:

Head to Head Walk
Former Chief Commissioner of Police (CCP) Graham Ashton and TPAV Secretary Mr Wayne Gatt walked together to support police mental health.

Body worn cameras
The BWC is a portable camera worn or used by uniform police and PSOs to capture audio and video recordings of interactions between officers and the public.

Contact cards
A resource that police and Protective Services Officers can use to provide their details and information on support services to members of the community.

Embedded Youth Outreach Program
A targeted secondary response aimed at reducing youth offending across metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.

Connecting to your local police with the community to help assist with crime prevention, neighbourhood safety and solving crimes in your area.

You can help prevent serious offences and keep your number plates safe by following a few simple steps.

The Victoria Police Partysafe Program is about minimising the risks to safety at parties such as violence, intoxicated guests, or gatecrashers so that hosts and their guests can stay safe and have fun

Identify and notify Victoria Police of unwanted sexual or antisocial behaviour incidents on public transport so we can prevent, investigate, and catch offenders.