Two police officers in uniform walking through a laneway.

Neighbourhood Policing

Learn about our statewide community policing and engagement model that aims to improve your safety at a local level.

Neighbourhood Policing focuses on the issues that matter most to local communities.

Community Sentiment Survey 2024

Our third annual Community Sentiment Survey closed on Friday 31 May.

We thank everyone who took part and promoted the survey across our community.

Survey responses are intended to inform local decision-making and to target crime. This is part of the Neighbourhood Policing Framework.

We are reviewing the data and will share a summary of key findings on the Engage Victoria website. Local summaries will also be shared on Victoria Police Eyewatch(opens in a new window) (Facebook) pages.

Our commitment to community

Neighbourhood Policing ensures local community concerns are central to decision making and result in local police:

  • being more visible and accessible to their local community
  • actively listening to their community
  • acting on community safety concerns
  • working in partnership with others to address safety concerns
  • communicating the outcomes and action taken.

Understanding local safety concerns

Listening to the community and understanding what safety issues people are concerned about is an important step in Neighbourhood Policing.

At a local level, police will be tasked with gathering, recording, and monitoring these issues and concerns.

We encourage you to share safety concerns with your local police through:

  • everyday interactions such as at events
  • talking to officers patrolling public areas
  • visiting your local police station.

Working together to address safety concerns

As part of our commitment to Neighbourhood Policing, local police will compile a register of public safety issues that matter most to their local community.

Police will then be tasked to specifically address these issues or work with community safety partner organisations when issues are more complex.

We will do this by forming a Local Safety Committee in each Police Service Area together with community groups, government, and business stakeholders.

Each committee will develop a Local Safety Plan based on the concerns its community has raised and deliver prevention-focussed strategies to address your safety concerns through both policing and non-policing activity. 

How you can receive updates

We want to show you we are listening to your safety concerns and taking action to address them.

Local police will provide updates about the various safety issues raised and Neighbourhood Policing activities undertaken through:

Each Police Service Area has an Eyewatch page on Facebook where you can:

  • keep up to date with Neighbourhood Policing priorities and initiatives
  • access local safety and crime prevention information.

Find your local Victoria Police Eyewatch page.
