Prepare for your application and apply
Check your eligibility to be a protective services officer
Quick questions to ask yourself before you apply to be a protective services officer.
Entry requirements for protective services officers
The requirements to become a protective services officer with Victoria Police.
Resources for protective services officer applicants
Resources to help you apply to become a protective services officer.
Apply to be a protective services officer
Prepare for your application and apply to be a protective services officer.
The recruitment process and the role
Recruitment process for protective services officers
The recruitment process to become a protective services officer, including eligibility checks, entrance exam and panel interview.
Roles and duties of protective services officers
Learn about the diverse roles and duties of a Victoria Police protective services officer in the community and day to day.
Training for protective services officers
Learn about the training you will take to become a protective services officer with Victoria Police.
Life as a protective services officer
Life as a protective services officer, including information about uniform and appearance, the code of conduct and drugs and alcohol.
Salary and benefits of protective services officers
The salary and benefits available to protective services officers, including allowances, leave and flexible working arrangements.
Frequently asked questions about PSO applications
Questions you might have when you apply to be a protective services officer.
Prior history guidelines for applicants
Check our guidelines to see if a prior offence will affect your application with Victoria Police.
Medical guidelines for applicants
Check our guidelines to see if a medical condition will affect your application with Victoria Police.
Already started your application?
Continue your protective services officer application by logging in to our careers portal.