Victoria Police have several resources to help protective services officer applicants through the recruitment process.
Take a look at the range below including information sessions, YouTube videos, exam tutorials, podcast and fitness tools and tips available.
Information sessions
Attend a free information session to find out more about:
- the protective services officer role
- the recruitment process, and
- what a day in the life of a protective services officer looks like.
Online resources
View Victoria Police's recruitment process videos:
- Recruitment process - Be informed
- Recruitment process - Disclosure
- Recruitment process - Tips for success.
A Career in Policing features police officers, protective services officers and police custody officers sharing their stories, advice and experience about the recruitment process, life at the Academy, how to pass the fitness test, specialist roles, and much, much more!
Listen now on Spotify(opens in a new window) and Apple Podcasts(opens in a new window).
Entrance exam preparation resources
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) is the examination authority for Victoria Police.
You can buy the following resources for entrance exam practice questions:
- Entrance exam 'Practise Now' resource(opens in a new window)
- Entrance exam online practise tests (available after exam registration).
Exam tutorials
Applicants sitting the entrance exam should use the following tutorials to assist in their studies.
Fitness test preparation resources
Prepare for the fitness test with the POLICE FIT app. The app contains instructive videos, fitness tips and training programs.
Interview preparation resources
The interview for the protective services officer role is behavioural and scenario-based. The basis of this interview is that past performance is the best predictor of future performance.
The questions you will be asked allows you to describe specific experience or actions you have taken. The answers you give allows the interviewers to make an informed decision around suitability for the protective services officer role.
Your verbal communication skills will also be assessed during the interview.