Find out about sexual offences (or sex crimes), consent, and child abuse, and how to report them.
Sexual offences and child abuse are serious crimes. Victoria Police's commitment is to the ongoing support of victims and to hold perpetrators to account.
Report sexual offences or child abuse
Learn how to report sexual offences and child abuse to Victoria Police.
Sexual offences, sexual assaults and sex crimes
The definition of sexual offences and the types of sexual behaviours and acts that we investigate.
Child abuse
The definition of child abuse and the types of behaviours and acts against children that we investigate.
Image based sexual offences
Definitions relating to image based sexual offending, like producing and distributing intimate images, sexting, child abuse material and the law.
Consent and consent laws
Consent is a voluntary agreement between people to engage in any sexual activity.
Sexual offences and child abuse support and resources
Different services and support information available for victims of for sexual offences (or sex crimes) and child abuse.
Sexual offences and child abuse support teams and centres
Get in touch with our specialised teams and Multi-disciplinary Centres. Always call Triple Zero (000) in an emergency.