Sexual offences and child abuse support and resources

Services and support information for victims of sexual offences (or sex crimes) and child abuse.

A range of different services and support information are available for victims of sexual offences (or sex crimes) and child abuse.

Anyone can access them without needing to contact police.

Support and resources for sexual offences and child abuse

Services and resources for victims and survivors can include:

  • counselling and support
  • information and further resources
  • support during the investigation process
  • medical help and treatment
  • emergency housing
  • assistance from the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal
  • and information and counselling for friends and family members.

Support services available to you

There are a range of different services and support information available.

Anyone can access them without needing to contact police.

Sexual assault resources

If you have just been sexually assaulted:

  • go somewhere you feel safe, call Triple Zero 000 and ask for police 
  • if possible, do not disturb the area where the assault happened
  • if possible, do not shower or bathe (this may destroy evidence that can be used in court)
  • if possible, try to refrain from eating or drinking anything
  • do not wash or discard the clothes you wore during the assault

If you are concerned about something that has happened to you at any point in time, we encourage you to speak with police. You need not worry about your actions or choices – you will be taken seriously. Our investigators are trained to understand these complex situations and are here to help you.

How to report sexual offences

For more information on reporting sexual offences or child abuse, visit our Reporting Sexual Offences and Child Abuse page.

Reporting sexual offences booklet

The Reporting sexual offences booklet is available for download in different formats, including:

eSafety Commissioner

The eSafety Commissioner provides information on:

  • technology-facilitated abuse
  • image-based abuse
  • illegal and restricted online content use
  • cyberbullying
  • and online safety.

Learn more about reporting online harm to the eSafety Commissioner.

Sexting resources

Unspeakable podcast – understanding sexual crime

Unspeakable is a six-episode podcast available on Apple Podcasts and SoundCloud.

It challenges preconceived ideas of sexual offending through interviews with:

  • victims
  • their loved ones
  • specialists
  • and the Victoria Police detectives who managed their investigations.

Each episode explores a key theme:

  1. Reporting
  2. Investigating
  3. Victim reactions
  4. Grooming
  5. Online grooming
  6. Future directions.
