CALD Inclusion Action Plan: Where we want to be and how we are getting there

CALD on the Inclusion Continuum

The Diversity and Inclusion Program Logic (Appendix 1) provides a schematic representation of how Victoria Police will work towards a truly diverse workplace and inclusive organisation.

The program logic will provide the strategic framework to map future progress through targeted outcomes and action plans.

The program logic sets out how we will progress along the Inclusion Continuum, a visual model, which was recently updated to identify five stages on a development continuum. Each stage describes the diversity and inclusion consciousness and culture of an organisation regarding diversity and inclusion.6

The 2018–2021 Action Plan used the Inclusion Continuum as a measure of our progress on our journey to becoming an inclusive organisation.

In 2018, we considered that the organisation was between the proactive and redefining (recently updated to be renamed ‘progressive’) phase of the continuum. This is based on the level of maturity and access and inclusion confidence and capability.7

Following the evaluation of the 2018–2021 Action Plan, an updated assessment of Victoria Police’s progress against the inclusion continuum placed Victoria Police between the reactive and proactive level.

Inclusion Continuum

  • Download the Inclusion Continuum

6 B. Jones and Michael Brazzel 2014, The NTL Handbook of Organization Development and Change: Principles, Practices, and Perspectives.
7 Since 2018 Dr. Angela Workman-Stark has improved the definitions within the Inclusion Continuum to better align to evidence-based diversity and inclusion standards. The previous Inclusion Continuum (2018) included 6 pillars: exclusive, passive, compliant, proactive, redefining and inclusive. See the 2018–2021 Diversity and Inclusion Framework for expanded definitions.
