Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Framework: How are we getting there?

Victoria Police's plan to achieve a diverse workforce and inclusive organisation

We have developed and tested the Diversity and Inclusion Program Logic (Appendix 1) with our key partners and stakeholders.

The program logic will support the overall actions for all portfolios, and inform the individual portfolio action plans.

No specific end date can been established to achieve an inclusive organisation, because each portfolio will reach this state at different times.

When all diversity portfolios have met the inclusive outcomes, Victoria Police will have reached its goal of having a diverse workforce and being an inclusive organisation.

Across the life of this framework, we will oversee three action plans in each portfolio:

  • first action plans (2023 – December 2024)
  • second action plans (2025 – December 2027)
  • third action plans (2028 – December 2030).

Who is involved?

To achieve a diverse workplace and an inclusive organisation, Victoria Police needs ongoing commitment from all our people, regions, commands and departments. Working in partnership is essential for the framework’s success and the implementation of portfolio action plans.

Human Resources Command values our internal and external partners which include:

  • Executive Command
  • Capability Department
  • Digital Services and Security Department
  • Media, Communications and Engagement Department
  • Operational Infrastructure Department
  • People Development Command
  • Professional Standards Command.
