Strict adherence to gender stereotypes has negatively impacted police culture, amplifying inequality.
Sustainable gender equality by 2030.
- Engaging hearts and minds
- Equitable outcomes
- Working in partnership
- Licence to challenge
- Evidence based.
Key assumptions
- That gender equality will continue to be a priority for the organisation
- That gender equality is also a priority for our key partners
- That the goal of gender equality continues to be adequately resourced
- That the community continue to value a police force that is progressing gender equality
- That sustainable gender equality can be achieved in 10 years.
- Current policies, processes and training perpetuates systemic inequality
- Resistance and/or disconnection to gender equality messaging
- Lack of clarity and accountability of managers in response to gendered workplace harm
- Authorising environment not established with key partners
- Misconceptions of the attributes required for policing
- Some key data measures and systems are not fit-for-purpose.
Program logic
- Engaging leaders and all employees to strengthen safe workplace culture
- Engaging selected workplaces with a Place-Based Pilot
- Embedding gender equity in the Program of Work
- Building gender outcome metrics to identify gaps, track progress and strengthen accountability
- Establishing and maintaining relationships with key partners.
- Communication Strategy developed
- Gender equality strategy and action plans completed and shared across the organisation
- Business case for a Place Based Approach completed
- Policies, processes and training (content and delivery) reviewed and amendments proposed, using gender lens
- Apply gender analysis in the review of merit, workplace harm, complaint model and flexible rostering systems
- Insightful and timely monitoring and evaluation reports
- Establishing an authorising framework in collaboration with key partners.
Short-term outcomes
- Increased understanding of organisational expectations and the detrimental impact of gender equality on all genders
- Business case approved and learnings implemented across the organisation
- Recommendations accepted and implemented across polices, processes and training
- Effective collaboration with key partners
- Demonstrable attitude and skills shift
- Leadership capability developed at all levels of the organisation
- Strengthened accountability processes demonstrate gendered workplace harm will not be tolerated
- Decisions affecting others include a gendered lens
- Workplace behaviours reflect a strengthened culture
- Increased quality of response to gendered violence
- Increased leadership accountability and ownership to drive gender equality
- Innovative practices support and promote a gender equal workplace.
Long-term outcomes
- Our culture recognises and promotes the value of gender equality
- Leaders take ownership and proactively sustain gender equality outcomes
- The community has trust in our response to gendered violence
- Gender does not restrict access to flexible work, recruitment or progression
- Employees have confidence in our response to gendered workplace harm
- Gendered workplace harm is minimised.
Sustainable gender equality achieved