- Date:
- 1 July 2022
Message from Chief Commissioner Shane Patton
In over 40 years of policing, I have never been asked how I would balance my parenting responsibilities with my policing duties. I have never been told I was promoted solely because of my gender. Nor have I ever been made to feel unsafe because of persistent and unwanted attention by my manager.
Throughout my career I have had the benefit of working with many outstanding women in Victoria Police. Since becoming Chief Commissioner, I have been able to reflect on how very different our experiences have been.
While I have long recognised that gender inequality exists in our organisation, I acknowledge that I did not fully appreciate the extent of harm experienced by women in Victoria Police.
I am grateful to the many women who have shared their stories and challenged my understanding of the state of gender inequality in our organisation.
As a member of the Champions of Change Coalition I am acutely aware that gender inequality persists across the private and public sectors. While organisations need to address this issue for the benefit of their employees, for Victoria Police, gender equality is critical to our service to victims of crimes such as family violence.
This first gender equality action plan 2022–2024 reflects an organisation-wide collaboration to drive this transformative change. The action plan prioritises building the capability of our leaders to create safe, respectful and inclusive workplaces and to strengthen our response to gendered workplace harm.
This work will shape the way gender equality becomes part of our culture and identity. Being a modern police force means being an employer of choice for women. We must provide a working environment where all our people can thrive at any rank and level and where their career success is not limited by gender.
There is much work to be done.
My executive team and I are committed to achieving material progress towards gender equality for the benefit of all our people and the Victorian community.
Shane Patton APM
Chief Commissioner, Victoria Police
About Equal, Safe and Strong: Victoria Police Gender Equality Action Plan 2022-2024
The Gender Equality Action Plan 2022–2024 is part of Equal, Safe and Strong Victoria Police Gender Equality Strategy 2020–2030.
Equal, Safe and Strong demonstrates our organisational commitment to achieving sustainable gender equality within our workplace, for the benefit of our people and the community.
Consistent with the Gender Equality Act, relevant information included in this Gender Equality Action Plan will be available at genderequalitycommission.vic.gov.au.
To request a document version of our Supplementary Data report, please email HRC-GEID-MGR@police.vic.gov.au.
Acknowledgement statement
Equal, Safe and Strong: Introduction
Learn about the Equal, Safe and Strong 10-year vision and action plan.
Equal, Safe and Strong: Case for change
The state of gender equality in Victoria Police, strengthening our approach and what will Victoria Police look like in 2024.
Equal, Safe and Strong: Actions and milestones
The 29 planned actions and milestones that aim to deliver sustainable gender equality.
Equal, Safe and Strong: Strategy Resource Plan
Who is responsible for the actions in the 2022-2024 Gender Equality Action Plan.
Equal, Safe and Strong: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Learn about the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) framework driving the Equal, Safe and Strong: Victoria Police Gender Equality Action Plan 2022-2024.
Equal, Safe and Strong: Acronyms and shortened forms
The meanings behind the acronyms and shortened terms used in the Equal, Safe and Strong: Victoria Police Gender Equality Action Plan 2022-2024.
Equal, Safe and Strong: Glossary
The glossary of terms used in the Equal, Safe and Strong: Victoria Police Gender Equality Action Plan 2022-2024.
Equal, Safe and Strong: Appendix 1 - Program logic
The program logic of activities, outputs and outcomes needed to achieve sustainable gender equality.
Gender Equality Action Plan - Progress Report 2023
The 2023 progress report for the Equal, Safe and Strong: Victoria Police Gender Equality Action Plan 2022-2024.