Recruitment process - be informed

How to prepare yourself before you apply to be a police officer.

Transcript: Recruitment process - be informed

If you're thinking about a career with Victoria Police, it's important to know what you're committing to.

Working as a police officer can be an immensely rewarding experience, but it's also a big commitment. It can be life-changing, but also challenging.

It's not easy and it's not for everyone. The more prepared you are before you apply, the more likely you are to succeed through the recruitment process.

So do your homework, research all you can about life as a police officer, talk to a police officer at your local police station, come to an information session, ask questions and take notes.

Even before you apply, know everything about the recruitment process through your online application, exam, fitness test, and interviews to your 31 weeks at the Academy. Know what's in store and be ready.

Strong communication skills are critical to policing, so seek out work and experience that helps you practise and develop these skills.

Immerse yourself in policing.

Be sure to understand what police really do and the values they uphold.

Know what your motivation is for wanting to be a police officer.

Be proactive and keep up to date with current affairs affecting the Victorian community.

Remember, policing is more than just a job – it's a vocation. So, research, prepare and understand what you're committing to.

Are you ready to be a force for good?

Become a police officer

Are you made for more? No two days are the same when you become a police officer.
