Recruitment process – tips for success

Tips for success for your police officer application.

Transcript: Recruitment process – tips for success

The Victoria Police recruitment process can be challenging, but we want you to succeed.

Here are a few tips to help you on your journey.

Take your time take your time completing your online application.

It's not just about answering questions, it's about demonstrating your thinking and attention to detail.

Paperwork is a big part of the job. Your spelling and grammar say a lot about how professional you are.

Read up on the entrance exam on the police career website, watch the exam video tutorials on the Victoria Police YouTube channel, and take the ACER practise tests.

Remember with the exam, you only get two attempts. 

If you fail on your second attempt, you will have to wait six months before you can apply again.

You can never be too ready for your fitness test. Download the free POLICE FIT app, watch the fitness test video and start training.

Be realistic. Don't just give it a go. A pass on the test is very achievable to applicants who are committed.

You only get two attempts. Then you have to wait 12 months before you can reapply.

For your interviews, remember that communication is key. So, know when to listen and think about your answers. They need to be relevant and well considered.

You can't prepare for the one-on-one psych interview, so just be open, honest, transparent and ready to talk about anything relating to your past or present and whether you have the personal attributes to meet the challenges that come with policing.

Be prepared and stay committed throughout the recruitment process to reap the rewards of a successful career in policing.

For more information on the recruitment process, visit our website, or call us on 03 8335 5003 or email us at

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