Victoria Police Family Violence policy outlines how police must respond to any incident of family violence including when Victoria Police employees are involved.
The options model includes criminal, civil and referral actions.
Civil process
Investigators will make an application for an intervention order when you or your children’s safety and welfare appears to be endangered and if there is property damaged or there are threats to your safety or your children or your property.
The type of intervention order sought will reflect the unique complexities and risks associated with Victoria Police employees.
See the Courts-Intervention Order/Family Violence Safety Notice section of this guide.
Criminal process
If an offence is identified, police must undertake a criminal investigation.
Dependent on the circumstances and available evidence, the Victoria Police employee perpetrator may be arrested, interviewed, charged and taken to court.
In most cases a statement will be required from all witnesses, including children.
Children’s statements are taken by video (using VARE technology) by members who are specifically trained to do so.
See the criminal complaint and investigation section of this guide.
All Victoria Police investigators and uniform police officers make referrals when they complete the Family Violence Report. The investigator must tell you the referral has been made and explain how services can help.
Children are referred to Child Protection or Child FIRST depending on the circumstances. Child Protection is a statutory body legislated to protect children. Child FIRST is a family focused support agency.
Police are mandated to report to Child Protection any instances where they believe children are at risk of harm as a result of physical or sexual abuse.
Referrals to community service providers will also be made for the Victoria Police employee perpetrator, this may include for alternative accommodation options if removed from the home, referral to behavioural change programs or counselling. See the Family Violence and Sexual Offence Services Crisis and Support section of this guide.
For more information regarding Victoria Police’s response to family violence involving Victoria Police employees, visit our Family violence section.