Medical professionals treatment and support

Disclosure to Medical Professional

A disclosure can be made to your medical professional. If you are not comfortable disclosing all of your experiences to police, then you might prefer to talk to your trusted medical professional about any harm you’ve experienced.

It is also important to look after yourself or any children and get treatment for any injuries caused from family violence or sexual violence.

Your medical professional will be able to make a record of any injuries or safety concerns you have.

If needed, these records can be used by police investigators later to assist with evidence against your perpetrator.

Mandatory Reporting for Medical Professionals

In Victoria, under the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005, medical professionals must make a report to Child Protection if:

  • in the course of practising their profession or carrying out duties of their office, position or employment they form a belief on reasonable grounds that a child is in need of protection from physical injury or sexual abuse.
