Police officers speaking with community members

Personal safety on a night out

Tips to have a safe night out, including maintaining your personal safety and watching out for your friends.

Everyone has the right to safety and a life without fear. There are simple things each of us can do to prevent crime and stay safe.

This information is designed to let you know what simple steps you can take to keep yourself, your family and your community safe. 

Staying safe

By looking out for each other and taking some simple precautions, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable night out for you and your friends. 

Plan your night

  • Take your ID, phone and enough money for food and transport.
  • Make sure you have safe transport to and from the venue before leaving.
  • Nominate a designated driver if necessary.
  • Check public transport times before leaving so you don’t have to wait at the platform.
  • If in Melbourne, consider using the NightRider bus, a taxi or rideshare service.
  • Tell friends or family where you are going and when you will be home. Keep them updated.

Take care of your friends

  • Staying together and looking after one another is one of the best ways to stay safe.
  • Stop your friends from getting into fights.
  • Walk away from dangerous or conflict situations and take your friends with you.
  • Don’t leave friends alone with somebody they’ve just met.
  • Recognise when a friend has had too much to drink and encourage them to slow down.
  • Never leave someone who is drunk or passed out. Get them immediate medical help. 

One punch can kill

Do not underestimate the dangers of a single punch.

A single head injury can lead to death or serious brain damage if left untreated.

Call for an ambulance on Triple Zero (000).

Drink safely

You are more vulnerable to violence and accidents when you’ve had too much to drink.

For more detailed information and assistance visit:

Drink within your limits

Alcohol affects everybody differently so get to know your personal limits and stick to them. Save yourself from regrets and remember that how much you drink is up to you.

  • Eat substantial food before and while drinking.
  • Drink slowly and drink water throughout the night.
  • Never mix alcohol and drugs.
  • If you can’t remember how many drinks you’ve had, it’s time to slow down.
  • Never drink and drive or get into a car driven by somebody who has been drinking.
  • Never accept a drink you haven’t seen the bar staff pour
  • Don’t leave drinks unattended and keep an eye on your drinks and your friends’ drinks
  • Remember that even soft-drinks can be spiked.

Public drunkenness

Being drunk in a public place is no longer a criminal offence in Victoria.

It means a person cannot be arrested or placed in a police cell because they are intoxicated in public.

Victoria Police can only intervene with people who are drunk in public if there is a community safety risk or a crime is being committed.

Learn more about the public intoxication reform on the Department of Health website.  

Protect yourself from theft in public

Most thefts in public occur when your valuables are clearly visible and if you are distracted or leave your possessions unattended. Attractive items for thieves include:

  • money
  • wallets
  • handbags 
  • valuable electronics such as phones and computers. 

Preventing theft

Follow this simple advice to help protect yourself and prevent thefts.

  • Be assertive and walk with confidence. 
  • Always keep one ear free if using headphones. 
  • Be alert and aware of people who appear suspicious. 
  • Take only what valuables you need for the occasion. 
  • Keep hold of your valuables at all times and never leave them unattended. 
  • Keep bags facing away from passing traffic. 
  • Never leave bags or valuables on adjacent seats.
  • Keep bags on your lap or with a foot on the strap when sitting.
  • Secure valuables in your car before placing your shopping inside. 
  • Keep bags zipped up so valuables cannot be seen. 
  • Place money and purse/wallet away immediately after a transaction. 
  • Keep valuables hidden away when not in use.

If you have been a victim of a theft, do not attempt to retrieve your valuables and report it immediately. Your safety is the most important consideration.

ATM security

Using an ATM is generally a safe and convenient way to withdraw money, but there are some steps you can take to protect yourself.

  • Use ATMs located inside buildings, supermarkets or other busy, well-lit locations.
  • Be aware of any suspicious people and do not use the ATM if you feel unsafe.
  • Check the card slot for any signs of tampering such as an attached object.
  • Cover the keypad with your other hand when entering your PIN.
  • Never write your PIN down or store it in your phone, remember it instead.
  • Only withdraw as much cash as you need at the time and immediately place it in your purse/wallet.
  • If your card is not returned by the machine, alert the bank immediately.
  • Visit the website of your financial institution for more information about ATM security.

Reporting to police

If you are in danger, need to report a crime in progress, or request immediate police attendance, call Triple Zero (000)

Communication assistance

If English is not your first language, call Triple Zero (000) and tell them your language. They will connect an interpreter.

You can use the National Relay Service (NRS) to contact Victoria Police if you are Deaf, have a hearing impairment, or have difficulty with speech or communication.

You must be signed up to use the service. Register for the National Relay Service. For more information visit the National Relay Service website.

Non-emergency crime incidents

You can report some non-urgent crime and events anytime, anywhere by calling our Police Assistance Line on 131 444 or submitting an online report.

Examples of non-urgent crimes and events include:

  • theft (including theft of a motor vehicle)
  • property damage
  • lost property
  • general police enquiries and more.

You can also contact your local police station.

Crime Stoppers Victoria

If you have any information about reporting a crime, criminal activity, or hoon behaviour you can contact Crime Stoppers Victoria online(opens in a new window) or by calling on 1800 333 000 and confidentially report what you know. 


Report bad behaviour on PT

Report or notify us of unwanted sexual behaviour and anti-social behaviour on public transport.