Personal safety in the workplace

Safety tips to help protect you at your place of employment and remove the chance for a crime to be committed against you.

Caution at work is not necessarily paranoia or a lack of trust in your colleagues. Getting to know your workmates before revealing personal information is a way of protecting yourself and your possessions.

The following tips will help you remove the element of opportunity for crime within the workplace.

Be wary of sharing too much information

You do not know who may hear conversations in your workplace, so it is important to take care when discussing personal or company details such as living arrangements or your financial situation.

Be mindful to avoid:

  • inviting unwanted attention
  • making the assumption that all offenders are unknown to you
  • talking too freely on your mobile phone as others may be listening to confidential or valuable information

Check the identity of unknown visitors

Claim ownership over your workplace – you have a right to be there and others that do also will not feel offended when questioned.

If you have any doubts about someone, report them to your supervisor or security.

To increase your security:

  • verify ID of new visitors to your workplace
  • wear your ID and question those who do not
  • be mindful of people following you into the building or secured areas (tail gating)
  • report incidents to supervisor – no matter how minor.

Secure your valuables at work

Many thefts are committed in-house by staff. Your own property is at risk as well as company assets if security is not taken seriously.

Remember to:

  • don't leave valuables unsecured
  • protect personal property such as wallets, phones and laptops.

Take care travelling to and from your place of employment

When working after hours or in an isolated location, find ways to make yourself feel more comfortable.

Where possible:

  • park in a well-lit area with easy access to your workplace
  • make use of company security or work mates to walk you to your vehicle when you are concerned about safety
  • if available, take advantage of a staff taxi service
  • investigate the possibility of carpooling or travelling with work colleagues
  • remove ID tags when leaving work.

Know what to do in an emergency

It is important to be aware of key contacts and procedures in an emergency.

Find out:

  • what the company's emergency plan is
  • who to contact
  • where the panic alarms are
  • how to notify security.
