ATM safety

Protect yourself and your account when using ATMs in public.

Keep yourself and your bank account safe by taking care when using ATMs.

Key crime prevention tips

To keep your ATM transaction safe:

  • choose your ATM carefully
  • stay alert.

ATM safety information

The following crime prevention information helps you to use ATMs safely.

Choose your ATM carefully

When selecting an ATM to withdraw money from:

  • use ATMs located inside buildings, supermarkets or other busy locations
  • be aware of any suspicious people
  • do not use the ATM if you feel unsafe
  • check the card slot for any signs of tampering, such as an attached object
  • scan the area for suspicious activity before using the ATM.

Stay alert when using your ATM

Tips to further reduce risk of theft or fraud:

  • be aware of anyone standing close to you when using the ATM
  • stay cautious when strangers offer to help you at an ATM, even if you are having problems
  • cover the keypad with your other hand when entering your PIN
  • place your money and card in your wallet or purse straight away
  • take your receipt with you, or request "no receipt".

Other things you can do

There are other ways to protect yourself and your account:

  • never write your PIN down or store it in your phone
  • if your card is not returned by the machine, alert your bank immediately
  • only withdraw as much cash as you need at the time.
  • immediately place withdrawn cash in your purse or wallet
  • do not count your money in public
  • avoid carrying cash by using EFTPOS facilities and paying bills online.

What to do if you are victim of ATM fraud

If you think you are a victim of ATM fraud:

  • change your passwords
  • notify your bank if you see anything unusual in your transactions.

Report ATM fraud

Report unlawful access to your online accounts through the Australian Cyber Security Centre.
