Message from Chief Commissioner Shane Patton
Victoria Police recognises that family violence, sexual offences and child abuse cause significant community harm.
A sustained whole of government and sector partnership approach is required to address disadvantage, complexities, and attitudes that support violence.
We know that police have a unique role in protecting victim survivors and reducing harm, and we outline this aim in our Keeping You Safe: Victoria Police Strategy 2023–2028.
Safe from Harm continues to implement the vision of Keeping You Safe and sets out our direction to consistently deliver high quality responses to family violence, sexual offences and child abuse within a sector-wide approach.
Victoria Police is committed to delivering best practice responses to family violence, sexual offences, and child abuse, and we have continuously evolved and grown our capability over the past 20 years.
Since the launch of our last strategy in 2018, there have been sector-wide efforts to address this offending, resulting in significant changes across legislation, training, technology, policy, and practice that have shaped and improved our frontline and specialist responses.
This strategy builds on our progress and continues to uplift our practice and partnership approach in responding to family violence, sexual offences and child abuse so that all victim survivors who seek our help feel seen, heard, and safe.
Victoria Police’s core role is to protect victim survivors from harm by putting in place safety mechanisms, investigating crime and apprehending offenders. This strategy confirms our commitment to hold perpetrators to account.
Victoria Police sees first-hand the scale of harm experienced by children and young people as a result of these crimes.
This strategy supports our workforce by enhancing their capability to keep our most vulnerable victim survivors safe.
We acknowledge our people and the work they do every day to respond to family violence, sexual offences, and child abuse.
Victoria Police will maintain a strong focus through this strategy and continue to build, train, and equip our people to work professionally and competently in their response to these crime themes.
As Chief Commissioner I am proud to affirm Victoria Police’s strong commitment to addressing family violence, sexual offences and child abuse as per our previous strategies and strong reform agenda, and to lead our organisation through the next phase of reform.
Shane Patton APM
Chief Commissioner
