Safe from Harm: Victoria Police Strategy for Family Violence, Sexual Offences and Child Abuse 2024-2029

20 Dec 2024

The role of Victoria Police is to serve the Victorian community and uphold the law so as to promote a safe, secure and orderly society. This includes responding to family violence, sexual offences and child abuse, ensuring victim survivors are safe and supported, and holding perpetrators to account.

Our goal is for Victoria Police to consistently deliver high quality responses to family violence, sexual offences and child abuse, within a sector-wide approach, to enhance community safety.

This goal is part of our vision outlined in Keeping You Safe: Victoria Police Strategy 2023–2028 for a Victorian community in which:

  • everyone is safe and feels safe
  • those affected by crime feel supported
  • those who break the law are held to account
  • police work with the Victorian community and our partners to prevent crime, reduce harm and build a better, safer Victoria.

Over the next five years, we will work towards our goal through focusing on: policing, people and partnerships across four domains:


Domain 1: Victim survivors

All victim survivors feel confident in the police response to family violence, sexual offences and child abuse.

Domain 2: Perpetrators

Perpetrators are consistently held to account through effective prevention, detection and disruption.

Domain 3: Children and young people

Police provide a consistent and effective response to children and young people within a sector-wide approach.

Domain 4: Our people

All police have the capacity and capability to effectively respond to family violence, sexual offences and child abuse.


About this strategy
