Victoria Police participates in the Victorian Public Sector Commission’s People Matter Survey.
The survey is for all Victorian Public Service organisations and provides valuable insight into the culture and safety of organisations from employee perspectives.
In 2021, 6,889 Victoria Police employees responded to the People Matter Survey. Of these employees, 64 self-identified as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. Their responses included:
In 2021, Victoria Police’s primary human resources IT system was enhanced to capture data about each employee’s:
- sex
- gender
- sexuality
- languages
- culture
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status
- and if a person has a disability.
Data prior to 2021 was drawn from data collated at induction.
Because this is a new feature, diversity figures currently appear lower than might be expected. However, as more employees report their diversity data Victoria Police will obtain a greater understanding of the diversity and needs of our employees.
This data provides a valuable benchmark to monitor our future progress.