Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Framework
A MEL framework provides a systematic approach to governing the implementation of a program’s activities, and evaluates the impact of those activities on the overall desired outcomes.
A learning phase also provides opportunity for continuous improvement and refinements to the delivery of the strategy.
A central program of road safety activities will identify priority actions that align to the pillars of the Keeping You Safe: Victoria Police Strategy 2023–2028.
The MEL Framework will articulate key program activities, performance indicators and measures for monitoring the delivery and impact of the Victoria Police Road Safety Strategy 2024–2028.
The underpinning principles aligned to road safety focus areas will be shared with policing regions, divisions, and commands to support the integration of targeted road safety activities within existing action plans, allowing tailoring for local priorities and emerging trends.
Action plans
Victoria Police regions, divisions and commands will be supported to develop and maintain road safety action plans that are locally informed, and align to the Victoria Police Road Safety Strategy 2024–2028.
These road safety action plans will allow for a tailored approach to the unique road safety risks and community issues within each region, with an emphasis on activities that prevent and deter offending.
What will success look like
The new Victoria Police Road Safety Strategy 2024–2028 updates our focus on general deterrence road safety activities promoting the importance of a highly visible police presence, highlighting the impactful role all police can play.
Success of its implementation should be judged firstly by the visibility of the strategy’s principles in everyday service delivery and the communication opportunities the organisation delivers and supports.
Success will include:
- Road policing related activities further integrated into general duties policing.
- Observed changes in road user behaviours and attitudes.
- A reduction in road trauma proportionate to population growth.
- A reduction in overall detectable traffic offences through improved compliance.
- Victoria Police maintaining its reputation as a jurisdictional leader in approaches to safer road policing tactics that disrupt and contribute to trauma prevention.
- Improved performance data that contributes to understanding drivers of trauma and organisational performance.
We will continue to measure our outputs as clear indicators that enforcement activities are taking place and contributing to the impact of general deterrence across the state.
Success will be observed strategically, operationally and through our governance, as aligned to Keeping You Safe: Victoria Police Strategy 2023–2028 principles.
Strategic alignment |
Operational application |
Governance |
Operational performance measures
Using existing performance measures will be a first step in understanding opportunities and impacts of increased focus on road safety interventions.
Monitoring plans will incorporate existing organisational measures where relevant and look for opportunities to develop other insightful performance indicators.
These include:
- Increasing the frequency of vehicle intercepts.
- Increasing penalty infringement notices issued for offences across all areas of focus.
- Increasing vehicle impounds to remove high risk behaviours from our roads.
- Meeting government commitments to preliminary breath tests and roadside drug tests.
- Increasing our capability to administer impairment testing through drug impairment assessments.
- Ensuring all road safety messaging from Victoria Police includes information that supports our general deterrence approach.