Victoria Police produces a number of reports, action plans, and publications outlining our organisation’s goals and strategic objectives.
Explore the list below.

Keeping You Safe: Victoria Police Strategy 2023-2028
The 2023-2028 5 year strategy reflects an organisation-wide collaboration in government and organisational objectives, emerging priorities, and community safety needs.
Victoria Police Youth Gang Strategy 2023–2026
The Youth Gang Strategy 2023–2026 outlines our aim to prevent youth gang membership, detect gang activities through intelligence-led policing, and disrupt and dismantle groups causing community harm.
Strategy for Digitally Transforming Victoria Police 2023–2028
As the world around us becomes more digital, Victoria Police has developed the Strategy to ensure that we remain responsive and actively engaged with the Victorian community.
Victoria Police Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2025
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2025 shares our commitment to creating a safe and inclusive workplace for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees.
Victoria Police Corporate Plan 2024-2025
The Corporate Plan 2024-2025 outlines significant initiatives that Victoria Police will undertake over the next year.
Victoria Police Access and Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2024
The Victoria Police Access and Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2024 reaffirms our commitment to creating a workplace that is welcoming and accessible for employees with a disability.
Options Guide For Victim Survivors of Victoria Police Perpetrated Family Violence or Sexual Offences
This guide has information for victim survivors of family violence or sexual offences perpetrated by Victoria Police employees, and the options for reporting violence and seeking help.
Victoria Police Artificial Intelligence Ethics Framework
Framework document ensuring Victoria Police applies relevant legal and ethical frameworks to any use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Victoria Police CALD Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2024
The Victoria Police CALD Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2024 reaffirms our commitment to creating a more culturally and linguistically diverse workforce.
Past Victoria Police Annual Plans
Victoria Police's Annual Plans from 2017 onwards.
Annual reports
View past Victoria Police Annual Reports and records of achievements, as well as government and community activities.
Code of Practice for the investigation of family violence
Learn about the Code of Practice and how Victoria Police implements legislative powers to stop family violence.
Victoria Police Counter Terrorism Strategy 2022-2025
The Counter Terrorism Strategy 2022-2025 aims to identify key terrorist-related threats and how Victoria Police intend to address them.
Victoria Police LGBTIQ+ Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2024
The Victoria Police LGBTIQ+ Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2024 reaffirms our commitment to creating a safe, respectful and inclusive workforce for LGBTIQ+ employees.
Victoria Police Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Framework 2023-2030
The 2022-2030 framework aims to continue to build an organisation united by excellence in serving the community through embracing our diversity and differences.
Equality is not the same
All about the Victoria Police Equality is not the same report, which included an action plan to improve responsiveness to diverse communities.
Drug strategy
The Victoria Police drug strategy aims to improve health and community safety by reducing individual and community harm from illicit drugs.
Safe from Harm: Victoria Police Strategy for Family Violence, Sexual Offences and Child Abuse 2024-2029
Victoria Police's strategy to respond to family violence, sexual offences and child abuse, ensuring victim survivors are safe and supported, and perpetrators are held to account.
Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan
Victoria Police's commitment to the goal of achieving sustainable gender equality by 2030.
Mental health strategy
All about the Victoria Police Mental health strategy, which included a review of the mental health and wellbeing of Victoria Police employees.
Police Life magazine
Police Life is Victoria Police's official magazine. Read about the people, cases and initiatives at the core of Victoria Police.
Victoria Police Road Safety Strategy
Victoria Police's Road Safety Strategy outlines our approach to reducing road trauma in Victoria.
VEOHRC review
Learn about the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission (VEOHRC), examining sex discrimination and sexual harassment.