There are number of things you can do to help keep your home, property and vehicles safely secure.
Find crime prevention information to protect your house, apartment building, or belongings, as well as resolve disputes in your neighbourhood.
Secure your home and apartment building
Prevent home burglaries
How to prevent home burglaries and what to do if your home is broken into.
Access to apartment buildings
Crime prevention tips on how to secure access to your apartment building and what to do if you see something suspicious.
Delivery and mail security
Crime prevention tips on how to keep your letterbox secure and what to do if your mail is stolen.
Prevent and remove graffiti
Crime prevention tips on how to prevent and remove graffiti, and what to do if your property is vandalised.
Prevent theft from storage cages
Crime prevention tips on how to prevent theft from your storage cages and what to do if your storage cage is broken into.
CCTV installation
Crime prevention tips to consider when installing CCTV, and how to use it to protect your home and property.
Absence from residence
How to register your absence from residence when you are leaving your home for an extended period of time.
Secure your vehicle or bike
Motor vehicle theft
Crime prevention tips on how to prevent theft of your car, and what to do if your car is stolen.
Theft from motor vehicles
Crime prevention tips on how to prevent your car from being broken into.
Number plate theft
Crime prevention tips on how to prevent number plate theft and what to do if your number plates are stolen.
Caravan and trailer safety
Crime prevention tips on how to keep your caravan and trailer safe from theft and getting broken into.
Bike theft
Crime prevention tips on how to prevent your bike from being stolen.
Neighbourhood noise complaints and disputes
Neighbourhood disputes
Crime prevention tips to resolve conflict in the neighbourhood and what to do if a neighbour's behaviour is making you feel unsafe.
Unreasonable noise from neighbours
Crime prevention tips for dealing with a noisy neighbour, and who to contact if the noise becomes unreasonable.
Neighbourhood Policing
Victoria Police's state-wide community policing practice, aiming to improve safety and build trust in police.
Police Assistance Line and Online Reporting
Report non-urgent crimes and events with our 24/7 Police Assistance Line and Online Reporting services.
Business and commercial safety
Maintain personal safety in your workplace, prevent and respond to theft or robbery, secure your construction site or tools, and report suspicious behaviour at gaming venues or petrol stations.