Our commitment
Skilled people, ready and able to respond.
What we will do
- Build, train and equip our workforce.
- Strengthen our culture through collaboration, innovation and sound judgement.
- Ensure our people are safe and well supported.
The difference you will see
Our intention is to improve capacity to respond when and where it matters. This means improving administrative processes and making it easier for our people to serve our community.
They will have the physical and mental health support they need and we will continue to invest in leadership, equipment and technology to make sure they have the tools they need to do their jobs.
Build, train and equip our workforce
A diverse and highly trained workforce will allow us to adapt quickly to changing community needs, be responsive to changing crime types and create an environment where our people are prepared, equipped and proud to serve their community.
Targeted recruitment
Victoria Police is always looking for great people to join our organisation.
We need to adapt to new avenues to find the best talent. Behind the scenes, this means we need to engage across emerging and evolving social networks.
Our recruitment processes and campaigns will reflect our employee value proposition and attract the expertise and skills we need for police, protective service officer and Victorian Public Service roles.
"Working with us is more fulfilling than watching a TV show about us."
A diverse workforce
A workforce that reflects the community we serve will help us understand and respond to community needs.
We need to continue to improve diversity, gender equality and support for an inclusive and respectful workforce.
We will prioritise the health, wellbeing, safety and development of our people and provide career pathways that support diversity and flexibility.
We understand that representation is critical to trust and we are committed to expanding employment opportunities for Aboriginal people within the organisation.
Our aim is to have a workforce that is motivated, diverse and able to adapt rapidly to community needs.
Enhanced learning
Through ongoing training of our workforce we will maximise the capability of our people.
Police undertake many roles in complex environments, so we can no longer rely on traditional training methods to meet our operational safety training needs.
More pathways to maintain and improve operational safety skills are needed, tailored to priority areas and using modern methods.
Technology helps us learn in different ways, including:
- learning supported by virtual reality
- augmented reality to prepare for the real world
- new and emerging technology to benefit decision making.
Future focus
Wherever and whenever our people serve, they will have the skills, capabilities and equipment needed to keep the community safe and meet community expectations.
Our workforce planning will underpin and guide our approach to talent attraction, development, deployment, retention and separation, to enhance capability and readiness for the benefit of our community.
Our strategic investment strategies will underpin and guide the provision of the equipment our people need to support them. This will ensure our workforce and its equipment are aligned with our operating model and future business needs.
We will change and innovate to keep pace with the rapidly changing needs and expectations of our community.
Strengthen our culture through collaboration, innovation and sound judgement
Our culture is defined by our attitudes, behaviours and values.
We want to equip our people with the knowledge and skills to bring sound judgement to their decisions, knowing they are supported, safe and able to take pride in the standards we set for each other and in how we uphold human rights.
A culture we can be proud of
Victoria Police has long promoted the values of respect, integrity, leadership, professionalism, support, flexibility and safety.
We want our culture to foster a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels proud and motivated to work at Victoria Police each day.
We will continue to work with stakeholders including members of the Aboriginal community to make sure all recommendations from commissions and inquiries are implemented.
Our culture will shape Victoria Police and help deliver its commitment to the community, ensuring consistency of service and better outcomes for victims of crimes.
Upholding human rights
For almost 20 years, we have committed to Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 and factored it into everything we do.
Our teams have incorporated human rights into the guidance, education and recording that underpins our policies, training and systems.
We perform our duties in accordance with human rights, embedding them into everyday policing for the positive impact this has on community.
We acknowledge that taking a person into police custody is isolating and limits their human rights, cultural rights and freedoms.
Our service delivery will reflect our commitment to human rights, transparency and the demonstrated value we deliver to the community and we will continue to drive improvements in cultural safety for Aboriginal people.
Behaviours to guide our practice
Our culture will be underpinned by defined behaviours we want our people to exhibit based on collaboration, sound judgement, innovation and accountability for our actions.
These behaviours will help our workplaces become more positive, respectful and professional: places where our staff feel valued and are encouraged to achieve their best and deliver consistent and professional services; a workplace where we trust and support each other; and where we value and respect each others’ experiences, backgrounds and intelligence.
Our vision is to continue to foster a thriving, people-focused culture that respects the foundations of good policing, while being open and willing to adopt new mindsets, practices and technologies to keep you safe.
Ensure our people are safe and well supported
We have enormous responsibilities in our work and see people at their best and their worst.
We have extraordinary people and we want to keep them safe and well supported, so they can be their best and focus on what matters to their colleagues and the community.
Our people work in challenging and highly dynamic environments where there is a risk of injury and harm.
Our objective is to proactively support staff so they don’t get ill or injured in the first place. If they are ill or injured, we will support them to get them back to work as soon as possible, in a sustainable and safe way.
We always want our people to feel supported, engaged, valued and encouraged to contribute in the best way they can.
Mental health support
While we are experienced at dealing with physical injury recovery, we are committed to improving our mental health support.
We are investing in systems and processes to improve support for mental health. Day to day, this means our people will get the support they need to get back on their feet faster.
Working flexibly
Our people are passionate and driven to serve our community and we want each of them to keep that throughout their career.
Diverse roles and flexible working conditions enable this, balanced with the need to deliver services 24/7 to the Victorian community.
Our aim is to have a workforce that is cohesive, efficient and engaged; one that can adapt to rapidly changing community safety needs.