Two female police officers are walking down the street at night. They are facing away from us, and you can clearly read their high vis vests marked 'Police'. The street is brightly lit and you can see some graffiti on the wall next to them.

Priority area: Service delivery excellence

Corporate Plan 2022–2023 - Annual Plan - Service delivery excellence icon

Service delivery excellence

Victoria Police is on track to implement an improved service delivery model by 2025. This will be achieved through a diverse range of projects, initiatives, and programs to:

  • improve community connection
  • enhance approaches to crime prevention
  • support victims of crime and vulnerable members of the community
  • combat emerging crime trends
  • build capability in digital frontline policing systems.

An improved service delivery model will enable us to:

  • always respond in a timely manner
  • meet service demands
  • develop stronger community safety partnerships.

Our leadership focus, supported by ongoing people-focused leadership programs, will ensure managers and supervisors have the skills to lead the organisation through transformational change.

Our leaders will:

  • drive respectful and inclusive workplace culture
  • support ethical decision making that reflects our organisational values
  • model service excellence standards.

We are reforming our discipline process. The new system will deliver a more transparent, timely, accountable, and victim-centric process.

Achieving outcomes of the Equal Safe and Strong Strategy is pivotal as we work alongside the Victorian Gender Equality Commissioner. Equal Safe and Strong will improve gender equality across the organisation and reduce workplace harm.

Supporting national priorities, Victoria Police will contribute to the creation of a National Crime Intelligence System (NCIS). The system will connect law enforcement and intelligence agencies across the nation to enable information sharing on criminal activity. This streamlined system will allow police to find the information they need to keep themselves and the community safe.

Victoria Police actions to deliver service excellence

Victoria Police will deliver service excellence to the community by:

  • Transforming Victoria Police’s service delivery and operating model
  • Continuing to implement the Integrated Leadership Development Framework
  • Attracting, recruiting, training, and deploying an additional 502 police and 50 protective services officers
  • Continuing the transformation of the Victoria Police complaints and discipline system
  • Inspiring Victoria Police’s culture by developing and driving a CultureWorks program
  • Continuing to embed gender equality in our culture and practice through implementation of the Equal, Safe & Strong Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2030
  • Developing and implementing a holistic organisational resilience framework to support the ongoing mental health and wellbeing of Victoria Police employees
  • Continuing to embrace diversity and inclusion through strategy development and recruitment initiatives
  • Responding to the Yoorrook Justice Commission and leading work towards truth-telling and improving cultural awareness and safety across Victoria Police
  • Continuing to progress recommendations from the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants
  • Contributing to a range of legislative reforms and inquiries that lead to crime reduction, increased efficiencies, and harm minimisation
  • Progressing the implementation of the Victoria Police IT (Digital) Service Transformation
  • Progressing funded programs in relation to Conducted Energy Devices, Electronic Document Records Management System, Enterprise Rostering, Electronic Penalty Infringement Notices and Oracle Financials
  • Developing a strategy and action plan that enables Victoria Police to contribute meaningfully towards the Victorian Government climate change program of work
  • Continuing to improve Victoria Police’s financial sustainability through a multi-year investment strategy and structural reforms.
