Two female police officers are walking down the street at night. They are facing away from us, and you can clearly read their high vis vests marked 'Police'. The street is brightly lit and you can see some graffiti on the wall next to them.

Victoria Police Corporate Plan 2022–2023: Our focus

Our focus

Victoria Police is committed to keeping Victorians safe in their homes, on our roads, and when they are out and about.

Priority areas

  • The community safety icon shows the black and white outline of a pair of hands cradling three people and is surrounded by a dark blue circle border.

    Community safety

  • The reduce crime icon shows an outline of a pair of handcuffs surrounded by a dark blue circle border.

    Reduce crime

  • The reduce road trauma icon shows a black and white car outline surrounded by a dark blue circle border.

    Reduce road trauma

  • The service delivery excellence icon shows a black and white star outline surrounded by a dark blue circle border.

    Service delivery excellence

These four priorities help ensure that we continue our efforts to deliver strong outcomes for the Victorian community.

Each of the priorities is supported by a suite of initiatives and projects. These will contribute to our progress towards achieving our key goals.
