You must notify the Licensing and Regulation Division within 14 days if you change any details relating to your firearm licence and/or prohibited weapons approval, and within 7 days for changes relating to your private security licence/registration.
Failing to do so may result in penalties.
If you wish to change any of the following, you will need to complete a change of details form online(opens in a new window).
- address (residential, business and single storage address).
- employer (private security only).
- personal details (date of birth, phone number, email).
Updating your personal details
How to let us know about changes to your personal details, such as your address, contact details, name, gender or employer.
Updating your business details
How to let us know about changes to your business details, such as your address, contact details, business/trading name, and personnel.
Add an additional activity to your private security licence/registration
To add an additional activity to your private security licence or registration, you must complete an application to vary:
Certified copies of original documents
A ‘certified copy’ is a copy of a document that has been verified by an authorised person as being a true copy of the original document.
The authorised person must sight the original document at the time they are certifying the copy.
Contact us
Get in touch about firearms licensing, private security licensing and registration, and prohibited weapons approvals through our online enquiry form.