Highway permits are required by any person or organisation wanting to:
- conduct a foot or bike race or similar on Victorian roads including, rolling road closures
- collect money from vehicles on a public road at an intersection.
Highway collections and events are regulated by law. This is to ensure that they are coordinated and all relevant parties are aware that pedestrians or bicycles are using roads for special purposes.
The person or organisation conducting the event or collection must apply to the Chief Commissioner for a permit. You can do this by completing the relevant permit application.
Highway collection permits
A highway collection permit is a legal requirement to be obtained by anyone wishing to collect money on Victorian roads. See Section 32 of Road Safety (Traffic Management) Regulations 2019(opens in a new window).
An organisation may only conduct 50 collections per calendar year. Each intersection is counted as one collection.
Collections may only be conducted at intersections where:
- there are lights controlling the flow of traffic, and
- no road speed limit is greater than 70km.
To obtain a highway collection permit, complete and submit a highway collection application. This must be submitted two months prior to the collection date.
Your application must include:
- council approval
- a relevant certificate of insurance for the date of collection.
If the collection point intersects more than once council boundary, you must obtain approval from both councils.
Submit your completed application, with the accompanying municipal council approvals, to roadpermits-oic@police.vic.gov.au.
Highway event permits
A highway event permit must be obtained by anyone wishing to conduct a foot or bike race (including triathlons and marathons) on a Victorian road-related area. See Sections 28 and 29 of the Road Safety (Traffic Management) Regulations 2019(opens in a new window).
To obtain a highway event permit, complete and submit a highway event application. This must be submitted three months prior to the collection date.
Your application must include:
- the event management plan
- the traffic management plan
- a clear map of the route/course
- council and VicRoads approvals
- a relevant certificate of insurance for the date of event.
Submit your completed application with all supporting documents, or any enquiries, to roadpermits-oic@police.vic.gov.au.