Infringement notices

Infringement notices

Learn about infringement notices, including information about paying your fine and requesting a review.

Infringement notices, or on-the-spot fines, are an important part of Victoria's law enforcement system.

Infringement notices enable certain offences to be dealt with without a court appearance. These offences include:

  • speeding
  • traffic
  • transport
  • tolling
  • criminal offences.

Infringements relating to the Road Safety Camera Program may involve speeding, traffic light, registration and other road safety offences.

How we issue infringement notices

You may receive a penalty infringement notice in person, or by mail, email, or text.

Contact Fines Victoria if you need us to resend your penalty infringement notice.

Electronic Penalty Infringements Notices (ePINs)

From February 2025, you may receive a penalty infringement notice electronically.

This may be a:

  • PDF notice via email, or
  • Multimedia Message Service (MMS) to your mobile phone.

Electronic Penalty Infringements Notices (ePINs) will be rolled out across Victoria in stages from February 2025.

Your options once you have received an infringement notice

If you have received an infringement notice you have a number of options:

  • pay the penalty (or apply to pay by instalments)
  • request an internal review
  • nominate another driver
  • nominate that the vehicle or the registration plates were stolen
  • nominate that the vehicle had been sold
  • nominate that the identity of the driver cannot be established
  • elect to go to court.

Official warnings

See the Official warnings page.

Disputing an infringement notice

If you wish to dispute an Infringement Notice, refer to the three options on the reverse of your notice, or contact Fines Victoria by:

Demerit points

The recording of demerit points against a licence holder is the responsibility of VicRoads. The demerit points are recorded against your driver licence or learner permit. If you continue to offend and accrue too many points, you may lose your licence or learner permit.

Demerit points are always recorded relative to the time of the offence, but are only applied when:

  • the infringement is paid (or part paid)
  • registered with the Director of Fines Victoria as a Notice of Final Demand (unpaid Infringement Notice)
  • the matter is found proven before a court
  • an application is made for a relevant infringement under special circumstances and is accepted by Victoria Police.

For further information, visit the VicRoads(opens in a new window) website.

VicRoads licensing and registration

VicRoads is the administrator for licensing and vehicle registration in Victoria. For all information relating to licensing and registration, specifically demerit points, payments, fees, forms, renewals and replacements please refer to the VicRoads.(opens in a new window)

Special circumstances

As of September 2022, the definition of Special Circumstances under Part 3A of the Infringements Act 2006 was amended to include the below.

  • A mental or intellectual disability, disorder, disease or illness where the disability, disorder, disease or illness contributes to the person having a significantly reduced capacity to:
    • understand that conduct constitutes an offence
    • control conduct that constitutes an offence.
  • A serious addiction to drugs, alcohol or a volatile substance within the meaning of section 57 of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 where the serious addiction contributes to the person having a significantly reduced capacity to:
    • understand that conduct constitutes an offence
    • control conduct that constitutes an offence.
  • Homelessness determined in accordance with the prescribed criteria (if any) where the homelessness contributes to the person having a significantly reduced capacity to control conduct that constitutes an offence.
  • Family violence within the meaning of section 5 of the Family Violence Protection Act 2008 where the person is a victim of family violence and the family violence contributes to the person having a significantly reduced capacity to control conduct that constitutes an offence.
  • Circumstances experienced by the person that:
    • are long-term in nature
    • make it impracticable for the person to pay the infringement penalty and any applicable fees or otherwise deal with the infringement notice under this Act or the Fines Reform Act 2014
    • do not solely or predominantly relate to the person's financial circumstances.

Contact options

For further information regarding your options, visit Fines Victoria.

For more information relating to the infringement process, contact Fines Victoria by:

  • phone on (03) 9200 8111 or
  • in person at the Ground Floor, 277 William Street, Melbourne.
