Young officer on the beach

Freedom of information

Victoria Police's Freedom of Information Office, how to make an FOI request, and how to appeal a decision about your request.

Update on FOI requests

The Victoria Police Freedom of Information Division is experiencing significant delays in responding to requests, particularly those sent by post.

We strongly suggest that all new Freedom of Information requests be made through the Victorian Government's online portal(opens in a new window).

For all other correspondence, please email us at

We thank you for your understanding.

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 gives members of the community a legally enforceable right to information held by the government.

Victoria Police supports this right by:

  • making information about Victoria Police operations available to the public
  • making all rules and information about practices readily available to those affected by them
  • facilitating a general right of access to documents held by Victoria Police – this access is limited only by the proper application of exceptions and exemptions provided for under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
  • delivering an efficient, timely and reasonably-costed process for disclosing information.

For the benefit of Victorians, Victoria Police releases a large amount of information through online and print publishing as well as person-to-person service provision.

The Freedom of Information Part II Information Statements show how Victoria Police is making information readily available to the public. This reduces the need for members of the public to submit requests under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Freedom of Information Part II Information Statements
PDF 350.11 KB
(opens in a new window)

How to make an FOI request

Requests can by made via:

Making a request by mail

To make a request by mail, please send:

  • a letter or application form requesting access to documents, as well as
  • a cheque or money order for the FOI application fee of $32.70
FOI application form 2023-2024
PDF 90.31 KB
(opens in a new window)

Your letter or application form should:

  • clearly set out the document(s) you require from Victoria Police, and
  • provide sufficient detail to enable the document(s) to be identified.

If payment of the application fee would cause hardship, please provide evidence that you qualify to have this fee waived, such as evidence of your Centrelink Healthcare card.

You will also need to provide proof of identification (i.e. birth certificate or a driver's licence).

If you are a solicitor submitting a request on your client's behalf, you will need to provide a signed authority from your client.

For more information about Freedom of Information requests, visit the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner website.

What happens after you make a request

Once we have received your FOI request and the application fee (or fee waiver), Victoria Police must respond to you with our decision on your request in writing as soon as practicable, but no later than 30 days after receiving your request. However, the Act does allow for an extension of time in some circumstances.

The Act requires Victoria Police to consult with third parties about your request if the information contained in the relevant documents falls within certain exemptions.

Victoria Police is not required to consult where it:

  • is not practicable
  • would cause distress
  • is likely to endanger the life or physical safety of a person
  • is otherwise unreasonable in the circumstances.

Where Victoria Police must consult, it may extend the time for processing the request in accordance with section 21(2)(a) of the Act.

Please note: As part of the consultation process, your name and a brief description of your request will be provided to any person or body we must consult with.

Appealing a decision about an FOI request

If Victoria Police refuses you access to the documents you requested, you can appeal to the Office of the Information Commissioner (OVIC)(opens in a new window) for a review of the decision.

Appeals must be made within 28 days of the date you were notified of the decision.

OVIC has 30 days to conduct its review, unless you agree to an extended period in writing.

The lodgment of a request for a review is not subject to any fees or costs.

For further information visit the Office of the Information Commissioner (OVIC) website

If you wish to appeal OVIC's decision to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)(opens in a new window) you must do so within 60 days of the date you were notified.

Contact the Freedom of Information Office

You can contact the Freedom of Information by:
