Strategy for Digitally Transforming Victoria Police 2023–2028: Background

Advanced digital technology capabilities will build upon a strong foundation, specifically addressing key capability with a focus on enhancing and streamlining existing technologies.

How we enhance and streamline existing technologies

Since 2016, through BlueConnect and Modern Workplace programs, Victoria Police has demonstrated the ability to rapidly deliver enhanced technology capability. The foundations for digital transformation are now in place and able to be leveraged to advance policing in the digital age.

Digital timeline

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Our digital timeline:

  • 2016: Service Victoria established
  • 2018: BlueConnect delivery program commences
  • 2020: Digital Victoria established and Covid-19 Response
  • 2020 onwards: Modern Workplace delivery program
  • 2020 onwards: Service Delivery Transformation.

Victoria Police is well placed to build and enhance technology capabilities as well as strengthening the supporting services that underpin this capability. 

Foundations for digital transformation

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The four steps to build and enhance our technology capabilities are: 

  • build digital technology competency
  • enhance digital capabilities
  • strengthen supporting services
  • align with Whole of Victorian Government and Digital Victoria.
