Strategy for Digitally Transforming Victoria Police 2023–2028: Context

This strategy aligns with the Whole of Victorian Government vision and national policing strategy where there is high public demand for digital government services and increasing investment in digital technologies, infrastructure and skills.

Modernisation journey

Victoria Police will continue its modernisation journey to ensure it can effectively and efficiently respond to changing social, economic and technology landscapes, expectations and challenges.

Victoria Police's modernisation journey

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Current facts

  • 21,000+ Victoria Police employees.
  • 860,000 community calls for assistance received.
  • 865,000 police record checks conducted.
  • 300,000 service desk interactions per year.

Growth factors

  • 2,700 IT change records implemented.
  • 18% increase in data storage required year on year.
  • 42% of all emails are malicious.
  • 1.2 million Teams chat messages now sent annually.

Environmental factors

  • 87% of Victorians now have a smartphone.
  • 27,000 mobile and shared devices supported across Victoria Police.
  • 170% increase in online services.
  • 600% increase in information sharing arrangements since 2018.

Key strategic enablers

Victoria Police will invest in critical digital technologies, infrastructure and skills through key strategic enablers.

Victoria Police's key strategic enablers
