Strategy for Digitally Transforming Victoria Police 2023–2028: Connect data and information systems

Treat data as an asset whose value goes up when well structured, linked, shared and maintained. Create impact for Victorians by using connected data to make policing decisions.

Key enabler: Connect data and information systems

Risks and opportunities

  • Data sharing across Victoria Police and other government departments and use in producing analytics is challenging due to inconsistent data models and data governance.
  • Data is critical to Victoria Police with increased reliance on access to real-time, quality information. 
  • Opportunities exist to automate currently manual processes.

Tomorrow and beyond will have

  • Data managed as a valuable asset. With privacy at the centre, data is searchable, linked, shared and leveraged, protected and maintained. 
  • Predictive and preventative strategies developed using data and AI-enabled tools and statistical modelling. 
  • Ethical collection and use of data. 
  • Enhanced connectivity to other government departments.

Key activities

  • Enhanced information management capability.
  • Enterprise data model development.
  • Security strategy refresh.
  • Fit for purpose digital analytics capability.
  • Transformation initiatives to digital technologies for data, information and a knowledge based enterprise, eliminate manual processes with digital technologies.
