Strategy for Digitally Transforming Victoria Police 2023–2028: Purpose, objectives and audience

The Digital Services and Security Department (DSSD) is a key digital enabler in delivering business value and support to Victoria Police to achieve its strategic plans.


Why has this Strategy been produced?

Victoria Police is currently undergoing a significant business change to enable sustainable growth. 

This will be achieved by fully leveraging the technologies Victoria Police has, making essential and strategic investments in new technologies in areas with the greatest need, and reducing operational cost through efficiency.

Key aims for the Strategy:

  • Enable greater business agility using digital capabilities. 
  • Assist in refocusing efforts and funding to initiatives that will bring significant change and impact in a measurable and effective way. 
  • Provide an effective, detailed roadmap to achieve the highest priority initiatives. 
  • Inform clear and defined initiatives that align to strategic goals and expected benefits.

The Strategy explains the role and priorities of Victoria Police to support the change agenda and deliver business value. 

The Strategy will be continuously updated and used to assess success and performance against Victoria Police priorities.


What will the Strategy seek to achieve?

The strategy explains Victoria Police’s current performance, challenges we will need to address, future vision and strategic pillars that underpin achievement of that vision. 

The strategy enables services delivery transformation by leveraging digital platforms to integrate service delivery and enables development of a multi-year roadmap that will guide investment over the next five years.

Key aims for the Strategy:

  • Develop a common view of digital and investment requirements across Victoria Police. 
  • Understand the current state environment to identify strengths, issues and gaps. 
  • Understand the future state systems landscape and likely integration points to enable Victoria Police’s current and future operations. 
  • Identify the indicative cost to implement solutions that meets Victoria Police’s operational requirements and to assist in setting and managing budgetary expectations. 
  • Provide a mechanism for delivery of the Strategy.


Who has the Strategy been produced for?

This document can be used by all stakeholders within Victoria Police to ensure alignment and enable effective partnering.

Key aims for the Strategy:

  • Technology Team: to align what we are doing together, how we are going to do it as one team and to prioritise what we do to ensure we are making a meaningful and measurable contribution to business success. 
  • Executive Leadership: to understand DSSD’s role in enabling services transformation and how DSSD will partner with Executive Leaders to achieve objectives. 
  • Technology Users: to understand the breadth, complexities and importance of DSSD within Victoria Police and the impact on each functional area. The summary version will be made available to this audience.
