Strategy for Digitally Transforming Victoria Police 2023–2028: Nurture agile people, methods and partnerships

Raise the digital skill base and expectation of ongoing learning, innovation and partnerships. Use human centred techniques to design and deploy new services.

Key enabler: Nurture agile people, methods and partnerships

Risks and opportunities

  • Opportunities exist to leverage the maturation of a Whole of Victorian Government approach to digital transformation led by Digital Victoria. 
  • Existing end-to-end processes can be improved through close partnership with Service Delivery Transformation Command. 
  • Vendor relationships can be strategically leveraged to deliver more value for Victoria Police.

Tomorrow and beyond will have

  • Common enterprise corporate platforms leveraged through Whole of Victorian Government collaboration. 
  • Processes focusing on a ‘digital-first’ approach over existing manual processes. 
  • A workplace that efficiently uses digital tools to enable continuous innovation. 
  • Strategic partnerships with industry, academia, Digital Victoria and the community.
  • Create a professional workforce with upskilled technical delivery capability.

Key activities

  • Streamlining of internal processes, workflows and governance.
  • Strengthen our partner network.
  • Enterprise Digital Workflow Management.
  • Develop a professional development framework and roadmap for e-competency capability enhancement.
  • Increased staff awareness of digital functions and capabilities.
