We encourage former Victoria Police officers to consider returning to the organisation. And being reappointed to Victoria Police Force is easier than you think.
If you do wish to apply, you must first register with the Police Registration and Services (PRS) Board.
The Police Registration and Services (PRS) Board
The PRS Board maintain the Police Profession Register for former police officers wanting to return to Victoria Police.
The Police Profession Register
The PRS Board maintain the Police Profession Register and will conduct an independent assessment of your:
- character and reputation
- capabilities
- experience and qualifications from prior police service and other work.
It also conducts the independent review and appeal function for Victoria Police including:
- promotion
- transfers
- disciplinary action.
Note that registration on the Police Profession Register does not guarantee your re-employment.
Find out more about the Register on the PRS Board website.
The requirements of reappointment to Victoria Police as a constable or senior constable
The following information will assist in your journey to return to the organisation.
Who can and can't apply
You can apply to be re-employed with Victoria Police as a constable or senior constable if you:
- are a former Victoria Police member who has resigned
- meet the current entry requirements (such as fitness and medical) for recruitment.
Dismissed or terminated Victoria Police members cannot reapply.
How to apply to Police Registration and Services Board
First you must register.
Once registered, you can apply for re-employment with Victoria Police.
Your application will be assessed and will determine if you are recommended for reappointment.
Learn more about the process and requirements on the Police Registration and Services Board website.
What to expect once you apply to Victoria Police
Once registered with the PRSB, all applicants will be subject to a rank specific suitability panel.
Applicants deemed suitable must meet the standard minimum requirements for appointment.
Further information about reappointment
Have more questions? For further information about the recruitment process, you can contact us directly.
You can email the Police Alternative Employment Unit on hrd-prior-policing-mgr@police.vic.gov.au.
You can also call us on 03 8335 6100 during business hours.
Information for other former or returning Victoria Police officers
Former Victoria Police sergeant or senior sergeant reappointment process
The most commonly asked questions for former Victoria Police officers thinking about returning to the organisation at the rank of sergeant or senior sergeant.