Watch real Victoria Police officers share real stories about what life as a police officer looks like and how they knew they were made for more.
Testimonial videos
From First Constable to Assistant Commissioner, check out some of our team's unique journeys and career pathways in these videos.
Senior Constable Hayley McDonald
Hayley shares how working in the Proactive Policing Unit allows her to work with the youth in her community in early intervention strategies.
Constable Tom Horsten
Tom shares how his various past job experiences helped in his transition to operational work as a police officer.
Senior Constable Amy Starzer
Working in regional Victoria allows Amy to develop new skills specific to the country region, such as conducting searches in the bushland.
Senior Constable Luci Saunders
Luci shares the range of areas she has worked in since joining Victoria Police at 21 years old.
Leading Senior Constable Dave Hatherly
Dave shares his incredible journey from general duties policing, to detective, to Tactical Flight Officer in Airwing.
Leading Senior Constable Leigh Johnson
Leigh is excited about moving home to Shepparton and the opportunity to transfer into country policing.
First Constable Paul Hogan
Paul switched careers later in life, choosing a job that would allow him more time with his young family.
Senior Sergeant Joshua Foo
Joshua's role in the Road Policing Command allows him to work both in the office and on the road.
First Constable Andrew Moreton
Andrew has found a sense of purpose supporting and working with young people through Victoria Police.
Constable Grace Rounds
Grace loves being part of the country community she works in.
Constable Katie Walker
Katie shares how her work in Victoria Police allows her to support her community.
Acting Senior Sergeant Julian Tang
Julian shares how he switched from mining to policing.
Assistant Commissioner Lauren Callaway
Lauren Callaway currently leads the family violence, sexual assault and child abuse responses for Victoria Police - Family Violence Command.
Promotion through the ranks of Victoria Police
Further to general policing, country and regional policing, and specialist areas, you also have the option to seek promotion through the ranks.
We provide you with this training, support you in developing skills, and help you pursue your goals.
Thinking about applying to be a police officer?
For the best chance of success, follow these steps:
- Check your eligibility and suitability.
- Meet our entry requirements.
- Understand our recruitment process.
- Apply online to be a police officer.
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