Taskforce reports

Learn about Taskforce Deliver and how Victoria Police is setting a clear path for reducing alcohol related harm in the community.

Taskforce Deliver Report

Taskforce Deliver, led by former Chief Commissioner Neil Comrie AO APM, was an independent investigation into the falsification of preliminary breath tests (PBTs) by Victoria Police officers, following Victoria Police’s announcement in 2018 that police officers had been manipulating PBT devices to falsely inflate the number of tests conducted. The taskforce found that the falsification of breath tests was widespread but may have occurred at significantly lower rates than first estimated by Victoria Police. The taskforce has made 23 recommendations, which Victoria Police has accepted.

Taskforce Deliver Report 2018
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Taskforce Deliver Report - Executive summary and recommendations
PDF 394.44 KB
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Taskforce Discover Report

Taskforce Discover was an inter-agency task force funded by the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council and led by Victoria Police Crime Command. The Task Force's audit of the Victorian motor wrecking and scrap metal industries was undertaken with the assistance and cooperation of the Australian Crime Commission, the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service, Consumer Affairs Victoria, the Environment Protection Authority Victoria, the Victorian WorkCover Authority and VicRoads.

Taskforce Discover Report
PDF 3.99 MB
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Inspectorate Review 20/2011 – Evaluation of Pursuits (Final Report)

Evaluation of Pursuits Report
PDF 624.2 KB
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Policing Alcohol Harm in Victoria 2014-24

Victoria Police is setting a clear vision for reducing alcohol related harm in our community. This position statement outlines that vision, and is supported by a strategic plan that sets clear actions for the organisation

Policing Alcohol Harm in Victoria 2014-24
PDF 958.83 KB
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