Victoria Police SHIELD

SHIELD is part of a program of current and future initiatives by Victoria Police that aim to prevent, disrupt, protect and respond to terror incidents.

Victoria Police SHIELD will strengthen partnerships with the Victorian public and private security sector through information sharing and educating partners in protective security concepts and responsibilities – as we all have a part to play in community safety.

Victoria Police SHIELD focuses on increasing resilience in the Victorian community by building a strong security culture.

Global SHIELD Network

The Global SHIELD Network is a collaboration between local SHIELD initiatives worldwide.

The initiative has grown to include law enforcement agencies across the United States, Europe and now Australia.

Victoria Police has committed to join the Global SHIELD Network by establishing a Victoria Police SHIELD program. The program aims to strengthen partnerships with both public and private sector businesses, and develop initiatives for information sharing.The goal is to counter terrorism and protect Victoria from terrorist attacks.

Victoria Police's Counter Terrorism Strategy 2022-25

The Counter Terrorism Strategy 2022–2025 articulates Victoria Police's current and future counter terrorism priorities and activities.

It aims to increase awareness and transparency of our counter terrorism activities and guiding principles.

Should the need arise, the strategy provides information about what you, your business and your community can do to assist in:

  • preventing terrorism
  • being prepared
  • responding to or recovering from a terrorist incident.

Read the Victoria Police Counter Terrorism Strategy 2022–2025.


State security and counter-terrorism

Information on how to report possible signs of terrorism. It also provides information to callers on a wide range of national security contacts.