Business premises security

How to secure your business premises against theft, and what to do if there has been a break-in.

Secure your business to prevent theft and unwanted visitors and learn how to report a break-in to your property. 

Key crime prevention tips

To protect your business:

  • prepare the property
  • secure the building.

Burglary prevention information

Crime prevention tips to keep your business property secure.

Prepare your property

To prepare your property:

  • Keep interior lights turned on at night.
  • Install exterior lights at entry points and covering the boundary. Consider sensor lights. 
  • Keep trees and shrubs trimmed. 
  • Ensure fences and gates are well-built, maintained and secured. 
  • Install good quality locks. Check locks weekly for damage. 
  • Install bollards, heavy planters, roller doors or security bars over all points of entry. 
  • Keep the boundary clear of potential climbing aids. 

Secure the building

To secure the building:

  • install cameras and a monitored alarm system 
  • display the business name and shop number so emergency services can find your property
  • install solid doors inside and at entry points
  • fit external doors with steel door jambs
  • lock doors to staff only areas
  • reinforce windows with shatter resistant film or laminated glass
  • display signs indicating the presence of a security system.

What to do if your business has been broken into

If your business has been broken into:

  • Do not confront the thief. Get out or find a safe place. 
  • Do not touch anything. 
  • Call your insurance company. 

Report a break-in to your business

For emergencies, to report a crime in progress, or for immediate police attendance, call Triple Zero (000).

For non-emergencies, call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444 or report online at Police Assistance Line and Online Reporting.

Additional support and resources

Your local police station can connect you to counselling and support services.

Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal

You may be eligible for financial help through the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT).

Help can be for counselling, medical expenses, and loss of earnings. To apply, visit Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal

VOCAT does not provide compensation for lost or damaged property.
