Respond to aggressive customers

How to respond to aggressive customers, and what to do if there has been an aggressive customer in your store.

How to deal with aggressive customer behaviour and what to do if there is an upset customer in your store.

Key crime prevention tips

When responding to an aggressive customer:

  • stay calm
  • listen with empathy
  • offer solutions
  • stay safe
  • call for help.

Tips for responding to aggressive customers

Safety tips on how to respond to an upset customer in your store.

Stay calm

Keep calm and professional when engaging with the customer.

  • Only one person should talk to the customer. Many people talking can create confusion.
  • Do not raise your voice even if the customer is yelling.
  • Keep smiling to ease the tension.
  • Avoid using sarcasm.
  • Think about your body language. Avoid pacing, tapping, crossing your arms or rolling your eyes.
  • Excuse yourself and leave the room if you need to take deep breaths.

Listen with empathy

Give the customer attention and time to explain the problem.

  • Remain patient and acknowledge the customer's concerns.
  • Ask questions.
  • Do not interrupt.
  • Allow the person to vent, it can relieve their frustration.
  • Summarise their concerns to make sure you have understood.
  • The following phrases may be useful:
    • "I understand that you are frustrated"
    • "I can see how difficult this has been"
    • "Thank you for bringing this to my attention"
    • "I appreciate how you feel"
    • "That's tough, let's see how we can get this sorted".

Offer solutions

Calmly explain possible ways to solve the problem.

  • Do not over-promise but explain what options are available.
  • Ensure you do what you said you would.

Stay safe

Ensure your personal safety by strategically positioning yourself.

  • Staff not involved in the incident should stand back, but monitor the situation.
  • Keep a distance between you and the customer. Do not enter the person's physical space.
  • Use natural barriers including the counter, shelving or clothing racks.
  • Remove any items that could be used as weapons.
  • Do not turn your back to the customer.
  • Move towards the exit.
  • Activate the duress/panic alarm. The best alarms can be discreetly activated. Options include a button near the cash draw, or activation by foot or knee.
  • Utilise evacuation plans.

Call for help

Keep yourself safe while sending for help.

  • Staff not involved in the incident should call for help from security or police.
  • If the person's behaviour does not change, tell them to leave and tell them if they do not, they are trespassing.
  • Do not force the person to leave. Wait for help.

What to do if there has been an aggressive customer in your store

If there has been an aggressive customer in your store:

  • tell your supervisor or manager
  • as a witness, report the offence rather than waiting for your manager to report it.

Report it

For emergencies, to report a crime in progress, or for immediate police attendance, call Triple Zero (000).

No issue is too small to report. Report any suspicious behaviour to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

For non-emergencies, call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444 or report online at Police Assistance Line and Online Reporting.

If required, report the incident to WorkSafe Victoria on 13 23 60.

If you need more help

Your local police station can connect you to counselling and support services.

Financial Assistance Scheme

You may be eligible for financial help through the Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS).

Help can be for counselling, medical expenses, and loss of earnings.

To apply visit Victims of Crime Financial Assistance Scheme, or call the FAS General Helpline on 1800 161 136.

The FAS has a dedicated pathway for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims of violent crime, the Marra Yattakunar Pathway. To connect with this pathway, visit the FAS website or call the FAS Marra Yattakunar Helpline on 1800 849 778.
