Bushfire arson

Learn about how to report bushfire arson and how to stay safe during bushfire season.

Victoria is one of the highest bushfire risk areas in the world.

Victoria Police adopts a zero-tolerance approach to deliberately or recklessly lit fires in our state. We are committed to pursuing anyone who causes a bushfire, regardless of intent.

Impact of bushfire

The social and economic costs associated with the bushfires are incredibly high. They have a devastating impact on communities, lives and properties.

Bushfire arson, whether deliberate or reckless, can cause:

  • loss of life
  • widespread destruction of property
  • heightened fear within the community.

Prevent a bushfire

Most preventable bushfires in Victoria are caused by people living and working in the community.

Preventable actions that can lead to bushfire include:

  • burning off during prohibited periods
  • using equipment or machinery on days of elevated fire risk
  • failing to properly extinguish fires such campfires or bonfires
  • improperly disposing of barbecue coals
  • car exhausts or discharge from truck flues coming into contact with grassland near roadside verges
  • children and teenagers ‘experimenting’ with fire.

Victoria Police relies on the community to help monitor activities and behaviour that may cause a bushfire. It is important to contact the fire brigade or police on Triple Zero (000) if you see any concerning behaviour.

Report concerning activities or behaviour

Report to police

In an emergency, or if you see smoke or fire, call police immediately on Triple Zero (000).

You should also make a report to police if you:

  • observe people using machinery, equipment, campfires or barbecues, especially during prohibited fire periods or on days of elevated fire risk
  • observe activity near the area where a bushfire has occurred
  • know of someone who has been lighting fires.

Report to Crime Stoppers

You can report concerning behaviour to Crime Stoppers by:

Record concerning behaviour

Immediately recording and reporting the details of any concerning behaviour or activity help police to respond.

Where you can, capture the following details.

Following a fire, recording events is just as important.

You should:

  • note the description of any people who have entered or left the scene before the fire started
  • note the description of any vehicles entering or leaving the scene before the fire started
  • note any activity in the area prior to the fire starting, such as camping, firewood collecting, bushwalkers etc
  • remember the time and location where you first observed the fire.


A recklessly lit or abandoned fire is a crime that carries severe penalties.

The maximum penalty for arson causing death in Victoria is 25 years imprisonment.

The maximum penalty for intentionally or recklessly causing a bushfire is 15 years imprisonment.
