Knife storage and sales

How to store and display knives safely, information about selling weapons and how to report the theft of a knife.

Learn about the safe sale and storage of knives, the law around selling weapons, and what to do if a knife has been stolen.

Key crime prevention tips

To promote the safe sale of knives and promote knife security:

  • display relevant signs
  • store and display knives safely
  • know the difference between prohibited and controlled weapons
  • know the law about selling weapons.

Knife security information

Crime prevention tips to promote the safe sale and storage of knives.

Display relevant signs

If you sell knives, you must clearly display a sign which reads, “It is an offence to sell a knife to a person under the age of 18. Proof of age may be required.”

Store and display knives safely

To make sure of the safe storage and display of knives:

  • display empty packets on shelves
  • store knives in cabinets or in a storeroom
  • ensure display cabinets or other storage areas are locked and only accessible by staff members
  • ensure CCTV cameras cover knife storage areas.

Know the difference between prohibited and controlled weapons

Businesses responsive for knife sales should understand what a prohibited weapon is and what a controlled weapon is.

Prohibited weapons

Prohibited weapons include:

  • swords
  • flick knives
  • butterfly knives
  • double ended knives
  • push knives
  • daggers.

See the full list of weapon definitions.

Controlled weapons

All other knives are a controlled weapon.

Know the law around selling weapons

You must understand the law regarding weapon sales.

  • You cannot purchase, use, or possess a prohibited weapon without a Chief Commissioner’s Approval or a Governor in Council Exemption. This includes possession to sell.
  • You cannot sell a prohibited or controlled weapon to anyone under 18 years of age.
  • You cannot advertise or sell a prohibited weapon, to anyone, without a Chief Commissioner’s Approval or a Governor in Council Exemption.

Record sales of prohibited weapons

You must record the sale of prohibited weapons.

The record must include:

  • a description of the weapon, including identifying marks or serial number
  • the buyer’s name, address, telephone and date of birth
  • evidence of the buyer’s Exemption or Approval
  • the sale date and time
  • the seller’s name and address.

You must keep this record for 3 years.

Victoria Police can inspect these records at any time.

If a knife has been stolen

If there has been a theft of a knife at your business:

  • tell your supervisor or manager immediately
  • As a witness, report the offence rather than waiting for your manager to report it
  • no issue is too small to report, report any suspicious behaviour to police
  • do not confront the thief if they are still in your store - get out or find a safe place
  • do not touch anything
  • If there is security footage, download it for police.

Report a stolen knife

In an emergency, to report a crime in progress, or for immediate police attendance, call Triple Zero (000).

For non-urgent police assistance, or to report a crime that has already occurred, please contact your local police station.

You can report anonymously to Crime Stoppers by making an online report, or by calling 1800 333 000.
