What police do
The information sheet Family Violence: What Police do has been designed to explain Victoria Police's response to family violence.
They have been written for:
- people who have affected, or harmed, by family violence
- people who have committed family violence
- people and or services supporting them
The information sheet has a few different formats:
- general
- for Aboriginal communities includes Aboriginal controlled community organisations
- in Languages other than English (LOTE; 13 languages)
- in Easy English which is simple text with images (it is PDF tagged for computerised readers)
Easy English - Family Violence: What police do
(opens in a new window)
Feedback and suggestions are very welcome by email: strategy-and-policy-fvc@police.vic.gov.au
Please note whatever your immigration status, help for family violence is available.
For more information see the Federal Government, Department of Social Services for translated information see their fact sheets and contact Victoria Legal Aid(opens in a new window)
In an emergency call Triple Zero (000)
Technical Terms Bilingual Tool